For Parents

Smart Music


It seems like almost every classroom throughout the US has jumped on board the SmartBoard train and has installed these interactive whiteboards into classrooms. Many old school teachers simply use them for viewing movies or videos, but there are so many things that can be done with a SmartBoard! There are tons of interactive lessons that can be found online as well as short activities, clickable online games that can become larger than life outside of a computer screen and so much more! If you have a SmartBoard, want to get one for your school or are looking to get one, especially for your music education or music therapy classroom, then check out these awesome websites:

1. SMART Exchange

2. Oak Street Elementary School's Music SmartBoard Page

3. SmartBoard Music


5. iSmartBoard

6. TeachersPayTeachers (Check out Muzique's Page with awesome educational and therapeutic activities!)

All of these awesome websites have tons and tons and tons of activities for tablets, interactive whiteboards and any other digital devices! There are endless possibilities with these websites and with your Smart Device! 

Have another website or activity for SmartBoards or other interactive whiteboards? Let us know in the comments below!


CHECK OUT THIS GREAT DEAL: All you have to do is visit and let us know that you are interested in a 20% off assessment and a phone consultation! We will find a therapist in your area and help get you started! We can't wait to hear from you and see what the creative arts can do for you!

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